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release time:2020-05-20 Author: admin

The series products of Si3N4C is a porous Si3N4 ceramic material. In addition to its high strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistance, oxidation resistance and other excellent properties, its microstructure contains a large number of uniform micro-pores or oriented continuous channels, leading to excellent high temperature broadband transmission properties, light weight, high permeability and large specific surface area. The specific properties of Si3N4C are shown in Table 2.3.

The Si3N4C products have a wide range of applications in aerospace, automotive, chemical, metallurgical, environmental and biological applications, such as (1) radome; (2) automotive DPF; (3) catalyst carrier in chemical industry; (4) water treatment filter; (5) special alloy liquid filter; and (6) human tissue engineering components.


